Steve Seuntjens
Stephen Seuntjens holds a Masters in International Management and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Accounting and has over 20 years of global experience in building and developing new businesses, both organically as well as through M&A (buy & sell). He has worked and lived in Minneapolis, Tel Aviv, London and Amsterdam. This experience includes both executive positions in multinationals as well as entrepreneurial endeavors. Companies he has supported include Mind CTI, and Israeli-based, Nasdaq-listed software billing provider; Shapeways, as US based portal company allowing creatives to realize their objects through 3D printing and Directlife, a Dutch company part of Royal Philips Electronics, motivating individuals to become more physically active through monitoring and coaching.
Prior to PHS Capital, Stephen Seuntjens was CEO of Philips Lifestyle Incubator. Lifestyle Incubator invests in both service and product concepts within the wellbeing / consumer health domain.